I N T E R N A T I O N A L WWW.INBROADCAST.COM | ISSUE 32 - JUNE 2014 N E W S InSOUND Audio-Technica Mic Deaf Havana Tour W ith a recently sold out headline UK tour under their belts and an appearance on the Reading and Leeds main stages confi rmed, British rockers Deaf Havana continue to build on the reputation they've built as one of the UK's most exciting young acts. Front of House Engineer Ben Hammond has long relied on Audio-Technica microphones, M50 headphones and Allen & Heath's iLive mixing system to deliver the band's brand of classic rock'n'roll attitude, and filmed a video interview with the company at London's Clapham Grand venue. Hammond explains his choice and use of Audio-Technica mics including the following across the Deaf Havana backline: AT M 2 5 0 D E d u a l - e l e m e n t dynamic/condenser (drums); AE2500 cardioid dual-element dynamic/condenser (guitars); AT4050 stereo condenser (guitars); AE5400 cardioid condenser (lead vocal); AE4100 cardioid dynamic (vocals); ATM610a hypercardioid dynamic (choir vocals). 74 Ben Hammond, FoH Engineer In the interview Hammond says: "The 2500s are a big staple of mine - pretty much on every guitar that I mix. They are such a great time saver. You can literally throw them at a guitar cabinet at a festival and you have your two feeds instantly, perfectly in phase, they sound stunning." "The change on this tour is that we are doing Chris Pennells' guitar in stereo. He does a lot of the soundscape things and plays a lot of quiet clean. While the other boys are playing the chords or the lead he is playing a lot of the sprinkle on top. So we use a lot of stereo delays with Chris so we have two cabs in stereo and we have 4050s Rising band of British rockers Deaf Havana on those and it's amazing," he says. In addition, Hammond talks about the ease with which the Allen & Heath iLive surface and iDR MixRack have fitted into his workflow over the last four years. His impressions of the newly updated Audio-Technica M50x headphones for mix checking were: "On first count they looked really cool" but he was impressed with the isolation they provided when he wanted to check the miking or the mix from the desk under heavy PA gig conditions. "With these they literally remove you from the gig," he said. The video interview with Ben Hammond is live on the AudioTechnica YouTube channel.http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/?first=Phillip&last=Izzard&search=Go https://twitter.com/inbroadcast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpzEatLsHdE&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.facebook.com/InBroadcast http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/inbroadcast/id468652679?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.branded.inbroadcast&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5icmFuZGVkLmluYnJvYWRjYXN0Il0 http://WWW.INBROADCAST.COM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my5ZtLBbGxM http://www.audio-technica.com/world_map/ http://www.broadcastsportsinc.com/ http://www.broadcastsportsinc.com/