WWW.INBROADCAST.COM | ISSUE 32 - JUNE 2014 I N T E R N A T I O N A L InTHIS ISSUE ISSUE 32 - JUNE 2014 NEED TO CALL +44(0) 28 90 610420 | GLOBAL EDITION | WWW.INBROADCAST.COM InNEWS 4&6 FCC ADOPTS RULES FOR FIRST TELEVISION INCENTIVE AUCTION InFOCUS N E W S 64 Publisher Phillip Izzard pizzard@inbroadcast.com JVC REVEALS FORTHCOMING HD & 4K CAMERA MODELS Editor Steven Preston ed@inbroadcast.com AVID LICENSING OPTIONS FOR MEDIA COMPOSER Assistant Editor Brenda McNeill brenda@inbroadcast.com InFORM 32 METROLOGICAL CEO JEROEN GHIJSEN ON APPLICATIONS STORE InSOUND 72 International Business Development Bryn Lister blister@inbroadcast.com DIGICO PLAYS MAJOR ROLE IN WINTER GAMES AUDIO Contributors: Jim Evans; Simen K. Frostad; Adrian Pennington; Kieron Seth; Philip Stevens; Dan Stourac; Andy Stout; Rob Van Nunen Jeroen Ghijsen 3 Produced by: InFOCUS 62 CAMERA CORPS Q3 AND MEERCAT FOR APAC DEBUT InTEST 78 LEADING EDGE COMPETITIVENESS IS THE SUM OF MANY SMALL GAINS By Simen K Frostad Le Sommet Limited Offices B1-B2, Clara House, Dunmurry Office Park, Co. Antrim, N.Ireland. BT17 0AA Tel: +44 (0)28 9061 0420 Fax: +44 (0)28 9061 9197 Email: inbroadcast@inbroadcast.com Web: www.inbroadcast.com Designed by: Bluegator Creative Ltd Web: www.bluegatorcreative.com Disclaimer: All materials within the publication are the copyright of Le Sommet Limited. All rights reserved. No Materials may otherwise be copied, modified, published, broadcast or otherwise distributed withour prior written permission of the publisher or associates. Le Sommet Limited makes no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the written and advertisement information contained within the ezine for any purpose. The publisher also makes no warranties or representations of any kind that the services provided will be uninterrupted or be error free. Complexity? It's simple The VB273 INTELLIGENT REDUNDANCY SWITCH provides the ultimate in uplink redundancy with multiple layers of security. Total autonomous operation with extensive remote control capabilities. www.bridgetech.tvhttp://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/?first=Phillip&last=Izzard&search=Go https://twitter.com/inbroadcast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpzEatLsHdE&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.facebook.com/InBroadcast http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/inbroadcast/id468652679?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.branded.inbroadcast&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5icmFuZGVkLmluYnJvYWRjYXN0Il0 http://WWW.INBROADCAST.COM http://WWW.INBROADCAST.COM http://www.inbroadcast.com http://www.bluegatorcreative.com http://www.bridgetech.tv