WWW.INBROADCAST.COM | ISSUE 26 - DECEMBER 2013 I N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S T Make sure you have all the required logos! WON' S SE TV ELVES! THO EMS H FIX T planet friendly mostly harmless DVB-CI/CI+ interoperable introducing the CAM INSPECTOR a test tool for the DVB-CI and CI+ interface. The definitive tool for any company working with CI/CI+. It provides an in-depth view of everything that is happening on the Common Interface, from lowlevel hardware timings to high-level application behavior, including incoming and outgoing transport streams. and featuring CAMBRIDGE an autonomous DVB-CI descrambling cramb mbling module which can be used to add descrambling d descramb bling capability for Pay-TV programs through the use of DVB-CI CAM to an existing professional IRD. R RABBIT CAM contains the CAMaLot KS ASIC and a powerful, secure 32 bit CPU. It can be used for specific applications where a standard CAM is not suitable. It can be fitted with Bluetooth, LAN, Wi-Fi, or micro SD-Card extensions. www.rabbitlabs.com contact@rabbitlabs.com RABBITLABS 73http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/?first=Phillip&last=Izzard&search=Go https://twitter.com/inbroadcast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpzEatLsHdE&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.facebook.com/InBroadcast http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/inbroadcast/id468652679?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.branded.inbroadcast&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5icmFuZGVkLmluYnJvYWRjYXN0Il0. http://WWW.INBROADCAST.COM http://www.rabbitlabs.com http://www.rabbitlabs.com http://www.dvs.de http://www.dvs.de