D I G I T A L H I G H - S P E E D Introducing the C A M E R A S Phantom Flex4K Digital Cinema Camera Previewed at NAB 2013 When it’s too fast to see, and too important not to.® 4K at up-to 1000 fps Official Launch planned for IBC in September, Low Noise, High Dynamic Range Shipments start later this year Raw and Compressed Workflow Options View footage shot with the Phantom Flex4K New Camera Control Design http://vimeo.com/63490371 Follow the camera on twitter @PhantomFlex4K and on Facebook /PhantomFlex4K Now Taking Pre-Orders Visit our web site today www.visionresearch.com 100 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470, USA P: 1.973.696.4500 TF: 1.866.450.PHANTOM E: phantom@visionresearch.com www.visionresearch.comhttp://www.vimeo.com/63490371 https://twitter.com/phantomFlex4k http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150155804913814 http://www.visionresearch.com http://www.visionresearch.com http://www.visionresearch.com