G H O S T LY G O I N G S - O N ◆ one was acquitted but the other 10 were found guilty and hanged. Their spirits are now said to roam the Lancashire landscapes. 4 Edinburgh Castle The plot of land where Edinburgh Castle now stands dates back as far back as 850 BC, and has a long and chequered past. From bloody battles to gruesome torture, its history has helped form its spooky reputation. Hundreds of visitors have reported seeing apparitions while visiting its walls. These include 'Mr Boots' - a regularly witnessed visitor dressed in a long blue frock coat, tri-corner hat and large leather boots. He breathes whisky breath on visitors and blocks doorways. A headless drummer and a spectral dog also like to make the occasional appearance. 49 Rectory, 5 Borley Essex Built in 1862 on the site of a 12th century church and monastery, this mansion, at one time famed as the most haunted house in the UK, was badly damaged by fire in 1939 and demolished in 1944. The legend tells of a monk who fell in love with a nun from a nearby convent. They had hoped to elope but when the elders discovered their plan, he was hanged and the nun was buried alive in the vaults. Spectral sightings included two headless horsemen and a ghostly nun.