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There's nothing better than relaxing on your journey, but if you're
feeling energetic, try these on-board activities
ou may be tempted, when travelling,
to spend the entire time staring at
your social media newsfeed - either
on your phone or perhaps a tablet.
But there are more productive ways
to keep occupied. Your journey isn't
a problem to be endured - it's an
opportunity to be enjoyed.
You can read, of course - and
you've made a good start with
The View magazine - and you
can write - well, type. There
are bound to be emails you
need to catch up on and
reply to, so use this
time to reduce
your inbox.
that's done,
try some foot
pumps or ankle
circles (see right), which
will help to keep your
joints healthy.
But one of the best ways of
spending time when you have
nothing to do is precisely
that - do nothing. Give your S T A Y F I T
mind a rest and let it wander, Even seated
exercises can
stare out of the window
help you finish
and take in the views.
your journey
in tip-top
Forget the strains and
stresses of the world - and
relax. You deserve it.
At one time, it was
thought no one under
70 bothered knitting. But not
any more. These days it's far
more mainstream. Why?
◆ With life so hectic these days,
it can help you to relax.
◆ It improves concentration.
◆ Research shows it can help
reduce the risk of dementia.
◆ You'll end up with a unique item
- and personal satisfaction at
having achieved something.
Keep healthy
The coach is so comfortable, it's easy just
to sit, relax and let the world rush by you.
But if you start to feel you need to be a
little more active, you can always try these
seated exercises to help keep your
body healthy. Try to do each exercise five
times, every half-hour or so.
◆ FOOT PUMPS: Place your feet flat on the
floor. Raise your toes and hold
for a few seconds. Then lower your toes
and the balls of your feet, raise your heels
and do the same.
◆ ANKLE CIRCLES: Raise both feet off
the floor and trace a circle with your toes.
Perhaps trace the letters of your name.
◆ NECK ROLLS: Drop your chin to your
chest, then roll your neck to the left, back,
to the right, and down again in a circular
motion. After five times, switch direction,
starting with a roll to the right. It'll help
keep your neck supple.
Not just
for kids
books have
taken the
adult world
by storm.
They're so
Buy one
for the way
back if you
haven't got
one, and
find your
inner child.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of TheViewNationalExpressAutumn2016
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