Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - (Page 5)

interview the fairy jobmother... hayley taylor talks superheroes & self-esteem A. Something that I want very much to get ayley Taylor made her first step into the public eye when she was featured in Channel 4’s Benefit Busters – but it’s as the solo star of The Fairy Jobmother that she’s won a place in our hearts. Hayley’s sympathetic – but no-nonsense – approach to helping the jobless get a foot on the career ladder has won her plaudits throughout the country. Now, in an interview with Jobs & Careers, she takes a look at the current economic crisis and why low self-esteem is such a problem… H Q. JOBS & CAREERS: Hayley, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind for you over the past couple of years, being propelled into the limelight as the Fairy Jobmother, with a successful TV series and meetings with some of the most powerful people in the country. How did it feel to become the Fairy Jobmother? A. HAylEy TAylOR: I was a bit worried about that title: the associations with waving a magic wand… I wanted it to be The Jobmother – but looking back it probably sounds a bit stern compared with The Fairy Jobmother, which has a softer twist to it. I do still have visions of being called for pantomime! That is the first thing that came into my mind. But then the nice side of a fairy godmother is that she helps people, and I see it as synonymous with that. And of course the title isn’t important: it’s getting the work done and getting the message out. This is not a job. This is my vocation. This will always be my vocation. It is what I do and is something I believe in and I am good at and will stick to it. I have so many ideas. I am not somebody that focusses on the negative, but someone with solutions. There are so many problems, you have to have solutions... Q. With so many problems, how do you begin to combat defeatism? many of the tutors I have worked alongside. I mean, I have worked alongside some brilliant tutors, some amazing people who I really admire – but I think I very much have my own way. I think that is what makes me get results. In one episode I was talking to 16-yearsolds who had come out of school but couldn’t obtain jobs. I talked to them about their dreams and aspirations: “What do you aspire to be?” One wanted to be a midwife– and one wanted to be a superhero… But there’s a way in there: “Why did you want to be a superhero?” “Because I want to make people feel better than the way I felt” – and there you go. We are off, and then we explore things. I try to adapt to them and who they are, and try to bring myself to their level. So that they know that I am not this 44-year-old woman standing there. I can find that common denominator – like music, for instance – that gets them… “She is different isn’t she?” into is going into secondary schools, and starting with the kids when they are 11. And teaching them what I call fundamental life skills. They have a thing called PHSA which says “when you leave here you need a CV and that should get everything covered”. But it needs to look at how to reach your dreams and aspirations, too: “you can do anything you want to do and achieve, and this is the way you want to go about it”. Simple things like bringing forward work experience: it’s no good doing it for two weeks when you are 16 when you leave school two months later – that is not beneficial. There should be a period every single year where you go in and visit companies and see what goes on within those companies. A. I believe my methods are a lot different to Q. What is the most common problem facing the people you’ve helped on the programme? A. The low self-esteem. The sense of a lack of self-belief. A lot of the people I work with have very much become their environment: what I mean by that is, they have had parents that claimed benefits, the people they live around claim benefits, and therefore to break away from that is so difficult, because they feel like that working is almost going against who they are and where they come from. A lot of parents who live on benefits and have always lived on benefits will always say to their children: “It has been good enough for us, so why is it not good enough for you?” When you have been younger and you have been told you will not amount to anything and you have never been encouraged, no matter how far-fetched your dream is – say it is to be a rocket scientist, surely it is the parents’ duty, in my opinion, to say “OK, if you want to be a rocket scientist, let’s get you every book on rockets.” Let’s go on the internet and explore it, let’s check out NASA...” Q. So what does the future hold for you – other than continuing success with The Fairy Jobmother, of course? 05

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13


Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13

Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - (Page intro)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - (Page 1)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - (Page 2)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - (Page 3)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - (Page 4)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - THE FAIRY JOBMOTHER (Page 5)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - THE FAIRY JOBMOTHER (Page 6)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - THE BURN TO LEARN (Page 7)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - THE BURN TO LEARN (Page 8)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - THE BURN TO LEARN (Page 9)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - THE BURN TO LEARN (Page 10)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - RECRUIT A CAREER (Page 11)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - RECRUIT A CAREER (Page 12)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - RECRUIT A CAREER (Page 13)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - RECRUIT A CAREER (Page 14)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - RECRUIT A CAREER (Page 15)
Jobs and Careers - Yorkshire 2012/13 - RECRUIT A CAREER (Page 16)