10 care facts
10 Things You Need To Know About Social Care
There are approximately one million people working in social care and social work across the country, about 5% of the total UK workforce. lowest 2. The UK has thethroughincidence of child death violence of any developed country in the world. Some experts attribute partly this to the interventions and work of social workers. salary of a social worker is similar 3. The startingnurse, teacher or policeman – to that of a averaging a gross weekly pay of £408.50. It is projected that the number of people 4. in the UK aged over 75 will increase from 4.4 million now to 7.6 million by 2037. England was separated 5. In 2005, social care inservices and adult social into children’s social care care services. growing 6. The social work sector isper year –very will rapidly – at a rate of 3% and continue to grow as the demand for services increases. one 7. Adult social care isof theof the fastestgrowing sections economy with approximately 1.5 million people working for 39,000 employers across England. An additional one million more 8. employees in adult social care are forecast to be needed by 2025 in order to meet the growing demand of an ageing population. 9. The private sector is the major employer of social carers, employing about two-thirds of the total. Approximately £2.2 billion was spent in 10. London on social care in 2007/08, accounting for nearly 18 per cent of all social care spending in England.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jobs and Careers - London North 2011