National Express - 28
In the spotlight
We all know there's only one
thing at the top of students'
agendas (apart from studying hard of
course), and that's partying! Whether
you're up for a hardcore night out,
want to rock out to live music, or
fancy working your way through the
cocktail menu with your coursemates
- Nottingham has it all, and more!
A musical Mecca
for dance fans
in the Midlands
and Nottingham's
number one club.
The Bodega
Bar & Garden
Music lover? Live
DJs up in the
bar, and acoustic
sessions outside!
Coco Tang
A mega-club with
four rooms and
eight different bars
to choose from!
An underground
boutique pub,
offering a range of
quirky cocktails.
MusIc VeNues
Rock up to one of these for
live gigs and performances:
the maze
Address: 257 Mansfield Road,
Nottingham, NG1 3FT
Phone: 0115 947 5650
Rock ciTy
Address: 8 Talbot St,
Nottingham, NG1 5GG
Phone: 0115 950 6547
Whether you're a big blues fan, or just
want to try a different cocktail or two, this
bar is a must - and while you sip from a
goldfish bowl, enjoy the live blues music.
bodeGA SociAl club
Address: 23 Pelham Street,
Nottingham, NG1 2ed
Phone: 0115 950 5078
The ReScue club
Address: 25 Goldsmith Street,
Nottingham, NG1 5lb
Phone: 0115 828 3173
Address: bolero Square, The lace
Market, Nottingham, NG1 1lA
Phone: 0843 373 3000
STudeNTS (ouTSide oF loNdoN) SPeNd oN AVeRAGe £16 A NiGhT oN dRiNkS.
National Express
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of National Express
National Express - 1
National Express - 2
National Express - 3
National Express - 4
National Express - 5
National Express - 6
National Express - 7
National Express - 8
National Express - 9
National Express - 10
National Express - 11
National Express - 12
National Express - 13
National Express - 14
National Express - 15
National Express - 16
National Express - 17
National Express - 18
National Express - 19
National Express - 20
National Express - 21
National Express - 22
National Express - 23
National Express - 24
National Express - 25
National Express - 26
National Express - 27
National Express - 28
National Express - 29
National Express - 30
National Express - 31
National Express - 32
National Express - 33
National Express - 34
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National Express - 39
National Express - 40