BACK to thE F U T U R E new age old wisdom The hottest trends in wellbeing are grounded in timehonoured wisdom ould forests hold the key to calming our minds? Fancy using resin from ancient trees to wash your face? Brands, businesses and experts are searching through the sands of time to uncover age-old techniques which inform the latest, and greatest in wellness. And they're working. From Triyoga studios offering therapies grounded in Mayan medicine to ESPA's new mindful massage that incorporates ancient breathing practices, wellbeing brands are applying modern science to century-old techniques, with potent effect. Balance has scoured the corners of the globe to find the traditional practices being revamped to offer new leases of life, for longer. C MASTIC TREE GUM, AND MYRRH Ancient: On the subject of trees, resins collected from the barks of specific words by GEO RGINA LUC A S November 2017 BA LA N CE 59