START HERE: F I N D YO U R DO S HAS Each of us has a unique blueprint and will have one dominant dosha: Vata, Pitta or Kapha. They help us to identify how we are feeling and what to eat to bring our body back into balance. VATA A mixture of Space and Air found in all forms of 'movement'. Someone who is predominantly Vata will have qualities that reflect those of Space and Air: they are quick thinking, fast moving and are usually slim-bodied. Common signs of Vata imbalance include anxiety, fatigue, dry skin and constipation. PITTA A mixture of Fire and Water found within all 'transformation'. A person who is mainly Pitta will have a lively personality, sharp intellect and an athletic build. Imbalances lead to anger and conditions such as inflammation, rashes, heartburn and infections. Fishy delight KAPHA This is a mix of Water and Earth and is found within 'structure'. A Kapha person tends to have a solid frame and calm, loving temperament. A unbalanced Kapha type becomes lethargic and low in mood. In this state, they are prone to obesity and sinus congestion. 54 MOSTLY KAPHA Add the chilli and increase your portion of veggies BA LA N CE November 2017