TIME TO REVISIT YOU R R E S O L U T I O N S ? If you set the bar too high (or even too low) on 1 January, there is still time to find balance and make 2019 a year to celebrate QUESTIONS 5. Which of the following is the biggest challenge for you? a Sticking to a plan b Staying motivated c Managing my goals d Sustaining interest e Keeping track of my progress 8 1. How successful do you think you've been thus far in keeping to your New Year resolutions for 2019? a Not very... b I'm trying c So, so d Doing pretty well e I'm totally bossing it! 2. On a scale of one-10, how would you rate your commitment to fulfilling your resolutions? a0 b 1-3 c 4-6 d 7-8 e 9-10 3. Do you make resolutions every year? a No, this is my first time b Probably every other year c I try to make at least one d I always have a couple e Yes, without fail 4. How achievable would you say your resolutions are? a Nigh-on impossible b I may have overestimated by abilities... c I'm not sure they are what I want any more d I've already aced them! e Challenging, but do-able 6. How would you feel if you didn't fulfil your resolutions for this year? a Not really bothered b A little disappointed c Frustrated d Like I've let myself down e Devastated 7. How satisfied are you with your current lifestyle? a Indifferent b I'm a little bored c Pretty content d Mostly happy e Extremely fulfilled 8. Are your resolutions varied, or focused in on one specific area? a I only have one resolution b They are pretty narrow c A couple are quite similar d I try to have variety e I've got all sorts 9. Do your resolutions have longevity? a Not really b They are short-term c Some do, some don't d Mostly e They evolve as I fulfil them