is blooming We are growing We want you to grow too BA LA N C E is looking to recruit some new talent to join us on our mission to help busy people live health ier, happier lives. S O C I A L MEDIA MAN AGER Boss level at Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, passion for all things BALANCE W E B S I T E EDITO R Wellness-loving wordsmith with up-to-date Wordpress, SEO and SMO chops D I G I TA L CO N TEN T P RO DU CER Self-starting video editor/camera/director with Photoshop and photography skills E D I TO R I AL ASSISTAN T Budding blogger and researcher with a passion for health, wellness, food or fitness ACCO U N T MAN AGER Uber-organised project manager to steward client campaigns from pitch to evaluation P RO D U C T IO N IN TERN Energetic, organised, enthusiastic recent grad looking for an exciting entry into media For full details and to apply go to: