+ + B R E A K I N G S N O OZ E BREATHE YOUR WAY TO A GOOD SLEEP 7-8 hours a night 22% 6-7 hours a night 30% 5-6 hours a night 33% Less than 5 hours 7% Studies agree most people should aim for 7-9 hours a night. How many do we actually get? 8-9 hours a night 7% More than 9 hours a night 1% THE GREAT BRITISH BEDTIME REPORT The American Academy of Sleep Medicine found relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga were very effective at treating insomnia thanks to the relaxing effects they have on the central nervous system. Reap the benefits right here... Expel all the air you have in your lungs through your mouth. Shut your mouth and take a full five seconds to inhale through your nose. 7X Bedroom activities LONDONERS HAVE SEVEN TIMES MORE IN-BED ARGUMENTS PER WEEK THAN THE REST OF THE COUNTRY Dreams.co.uk surveyed more than 15,000 people to find what they got up to most in bed as a weekly average. Top five were: 62 mins 14 seconds watching TV 54 mins 30 seconds reading a book 42 mins 59 seconds browsing the web 38 mins 38 seconds social media If you're wondering, sex was well outside the top five, averaging just over 16 minutes! Hold that breath for another five seconds while shutting your eyes to block out distractions. Take six seconds to exhale all that air through your mouth. Repeat for two to three minutes every night before bed. RELAX AND REFRESH £40 52 BILLION A YEAR IS LOST IN THE UK DUE TO SLEEP DEPRIVED WORKERS Sleep with the fishes Tuna provides vitamin B6, which helps with sleep. Learn about the ethical tuna at fish4ever.co.uk BA LA N CE March 2018 A night with Rosemary They say rosemary enhances your dreams; it's also an unforgettably refreshing drink. rosemarywater.com Get a better night's sleep Tea and supplements created with a sound sleep and refreshed morning in mind. £9.99; pukkaherbs.com IMAGES: STOCKSY 36 mins 2 seconds talking to partnerhttp://Dreams.co.uk