Precision in vision If you want to improve your vision, these procedures can help you. Put your trust in the hands of experts Mr Ali Mearza FRCOphth (pictured, left) is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. His specialist interests include cornea, cataract and laser corrective eye surgery. Mr Mearza has over 30 peer reviewed publications to his name and his work has been featured in national newspapers as well as on E4, Channel 5 and the Discovery Channel. He also has a key interest in charitable work helping disadvantaged people to see. With constantly improving technologies, it's sometimes hard to keep up with what's available to improve your vision especially when it comes to techniques that enable you to see without glasses or contact lenses. Here, Mr Mearza takes you through some of the most widely used treatments today to free yourself from glasses and contacts. Laser vision correction This is a truly life-changing experience. Escaping from the daily grind of wearing glasses and contact lenses gives people a new lease of life. With the advancement of modern laser technology, the procedure is one of the safest operations you can have and is now the most common elective surgical procedure performed. The cornea (front window of the eye) is effectively moulded to correct the prescription with super-precise lasers that can ablate tissue with micrometer accuracy. The surgery typically takes around 10 ' ere is an art to achieving the perfect outcome and this is where subspecialty expertise is key to improving patients' sight'