SeedS Of HOpe A revolution in the treatment of prostate cancer promises to drastically improve patient outcomes while maintaining quality of life P rostate brachytherapy is a cutting-edge treatment for the cure of prostate cancer. It aims to provide the best available cure rates and couple this with minimal impact on the patient. In fact, it is so minimally invasive that it has been termed 'pinhole surgery'. It is a 'one off' treatment that can be performed as a day case and patients can return to normal work or activities almost immediately after surgery. Scientists, doctors and patients have long sought the 'magic bullet' to cure cancer. The ideal being to kill the cancer itself but spare the normal tissues and preserve the patient's health and quality of life as it was prior to their treatment. Huge strides have been made towards this laudable aim in many areas of cancer care and the latest area to benefit from the decades of dedicated research is prostate cancer. You can't open a newspaper or magazine without seeing an article on prostate cancer diagnosis or treatment, with new techniques hitting the headlines regularly. In the background, a quiet revolution in prostate cancer treatment has been taking place. One that has now matured to the point that it offers a real hope of a quantum leap forward in both outcomes (cure rates) and maintenance of quality of life (minimal side effects) for patients with prostate cancer. With total cure rates ranging from