HAYFE V E R HE L P Sneezing? Runny nose? Itchy eyes? One person in five is affected by hayfever, but there are ways to ease the symptoms... 1 Keep yourself pollen-free Hayfever is an allergic reaction to plant pollen. Take a shower and change your clothes when you get home to get rid of any pollen that's clinging to your hair, skin and clothes. 2 Cut back on alcohol Alcoholic drinks contain histamine, a chemical that sparks allergic reactions in the body. Reduce the amount you consume to enable you to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine. 3 Use a barrier Apply a thin layer of hayfever balm or Vaseline around the opening of your nostrils. This will help to catch and hold pollen before it enters your nasal passages, preventing sneezing and a runny nose. 4 Wear wrap-around sunglasses 5 Eat local honey Buy honey from your nearest beekeeper or farm shop that's made by bees in your area. This will contains traces of local pollen (in a form that doesn't trigger allergies) so a couple of spoonfuls a day can help to desensitise your body to the pollen in your area. 3 of the best... TR AVE L A ID S A THIRD OF MEN WOULD CONFIDE IN THEIR PARTNER OR MUM IF THEY FOUND A LUMP ON THEIR TESTICLE, RATHER THAN GO TO THEIR GP* 016 | JULY 2014 1 SCHOLL FLIGHT SOCKS COMPRESSION FACTOR 14-17 £14.79, BOOTS 2 GO TRAVEL EAR PLUGS £3.99, GO-TRAVELPRODUCTS.COM 3 SEA-BANDS £8.59, SUPERMARKETS and PHARMACIES NATIONWIDE *RESEARCH BY UK MALE CANCER CHARITY, ORCHID (WWW.ORCHID-CANCER.ORG.UK) These will help to prevent pollen getting in your eyes when you're out and about. Make sure you choose a pair that sits close to your face to block as much pollen as possible.http://WWW.ORCHID-CANCER.ORG.UK http://www.GO-TRAVELPRODUCTS.COM