here are so e reat decoratin products a aila le today hich i e a a less finish on itchens they are e en suita le for units ade fro ith a ela ine coatin elanie issac is an a ard- innin ho e i pro e ent lo er and sed itchen xchan e a assador he pro ides interior e-stylin ser ices fro and says it s si ple to transfor a itchen ith a fe tric s and a fe hundred pounds y lo is all a out ettin reat interiors on a ud et hether that e throu h or ein a sa y shopper lo ed ho you can uy an incredi le desi ner itchen for a fraction of the cost t a es the accessi le to those of us ho lo e style ut don t ha e the eans to fund the itchens e desire also lo ed the ethical side to the usiness hate aste and hat sed itchen xchan e does a es it so easy to re enerate itchens that ay cri inally end up on the scrapheap It's easy to breathe new life into a tired old kitchen UP UNTIL NOW, THE USED AND EX-DISPLAY KITCHEN MARKET HAS BEEN THE 'SECRET'OF PROPERTY DEVELOPERS AND LANDLORDS developers and interior designers, or sent to landfil to pollute the en iron ent han fully elen ord of sed itchen xchan e has rou ht these itchens to ar et a in re eneration easy and cost-efficient for e eryone hether you re huntin for a ne itchen or ant to use your o n itchen s alue as a for of trade-in this is no possi le A new lease of life he usiness sells used itchens re o ed ahead of their ti e usually due to house extensions or ecause they re un anted after a ne house purchase undreds of happy custo ers ha e also a ed their ex-display itchen for a fraction of the all ecause leadin itchen anufacturers need to a e ay for next season s desi ns used or ex-display itchen is a reen and ethical purchase too reducin si nificant a ounts of toxic landfill hou h the idea of uyin a secondhand or ex-display itchen ay see dauntin the process couldn t e si pler he co pany sur ey all the used itchens they sell to assess quality condition and accuracy of the sales infor ation so it is uch less ris y than uyin fro other on-line sites n addition they ensure that it is professionally re o ed and ill e en deli er it to your door s ost itchens can e reconfi ured to fit a different layout the extra effort pays di idends ith the a era e sa in ein around off the ori inal Tips to get you started The heart of any home: a stylish kitchen f you are up for so e it s a a in ho a itchen can e transfor ed ith a lic of paint and so e s art ne handles eady for the next step ere are so e tips fro sed itchen xchan e to help x-display itchens are often still current stoc so you ay e a le to uy additional units if required ee eyond colour and layout hoose a itchen ith the style shape and features you li e then chan e the rest oo in for a country or eclectic desi n ddin additional free-standin pieces such as a dresser or plate rac ill not only a e your itchen i er ut i e it a unique loo as ell han e or tops tiles splash ac s etc to transfor a itchen s appearance f the itchen you li e is too i or doesn t ha e the island you hoped for one can e ade really easily ith ust a couple of left o er units FOR MORE INFORMATION Visit