Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 92

here are so e reat decoratin
products a aila le today hich i e a
a less
finish on itchens they are
e en suita le for units ade fro
ith a ela ine coatin
elanie issac is an a ard- innin
ho e i pro e ent lo er and sed
itchen xchan e a
assador he
pro ides interior e-stylin ser ices fro
and says it s si ple to transfor a
itchen ith a fe tric s and a fe
hundred pounds
y lo is all a out
reat interiors on a ud et
hether that e throu h
or ein a
sa y shopper lo ed ho you can uy
an incredi le desi ner itchen for a
fraction of the cost t a es the
accessi le to those of us ho lo e style
ut don t ha e the eans to fund the
itchens e desire also lo ed the ethical
side to the usiness hate aste and
hat sed itchen xchan e does a es
it so easy to re enerate itchens that
ay cri inally end up on the scrapheap

It's easy to breathe
new life into a tired
old kitchen

developers and interior designers, or sent
to landfil to pollute the en iron ent
han fully elen ord of sed itchen
xchan e has rou ht these itchens to
ar et a in re eneration easy and
cost-efficient for e eryone
you re huntin for a ne
itchen or ant
to use your o n itchen s alue as a for
of trade-in this is no possi le

A new lease of life

he usiness sells used itchens re o ed
ahead of their ti e usually due to house

extensions or ecause they re un anted
after a ne house purchase undreds of
happy custo ers ha e also a ed their
ex-display itchen for a fraction of the
all ecause leadin itchen
anufacturers need to a e ay for
next season s desi ns
used or ex-display itchen is a reen
and ethical purchase too reducin
si nificant a ounts of toxic landfill
hou h the idea of uyin a secondhand or ex-display itchen ay see
dauntin the process couldn t e si pler
he co pany sur ey all the used itchens
they sell to assess quality condition and
accuracy of the sales infor ation so it is
uch less ris y than uyin fro other
on-line sites n addition they ensure that
it is professionally re o ed and ill e en
deli er it to your door s ost itchens
can e reconfi ured to fit a different
layout the extra effort pays di idends
ith the a era e sa in
ein around
off the ori inal

Tips to get you started
The heart of any home:
a stylish kitchen

f you are up for so e
it s a a in
ho a itchen can e transfor ed ith a
lic of paint and so e s art ne handles

eady for the next step
ere are so e
tips fro
sed itchen xchan e to help
x-display itchens are often still
current stoc so you ay e a le to uy
additional units if required
ee eyond colour and layout hoose
a itchen ith the style shape and
features you li e then chan e the rest
oo in for a country or eclectic
desi n
ddin additional free-standin
pieces such as a dresser or plate rac
ill not only a e your itchen i er
ut i e it a unique loo as ell
han e or tops tiles splash ac s etc
to transfor a itchen s appearance
f the itchen you li e is too i or
doesn t ha e the island you hoped for
one can e ade really easily ith ust
a couple of left o er units


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017

Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 1
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 2
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 3
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 4
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 5
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 6
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 7
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 8
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 9
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 10
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 11
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 12
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 13
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 14
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 15
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 16
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 17
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 18
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 19
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 20
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 21
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 22
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Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 24
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 25
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Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 31
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