Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 70

and felt that the industry needs to adapt
to re ect people s li es
i ures fro the ffice for ational
tatistics sho that the concept of a
traditional nuclear fa ily on hich ost
ort a e lendin criteria are ased is
rapidly fadin
arents used to a e
ood ye to their children hen they
only to see the a ain for the
occasional unday roast ut ti es ha e
chan ed alon
ith the traditional
a e-up of


e ro e

astha en s study found
of those
a ed elie ed that ettin a
ort a e is ore a out hich financial
oxes they tic rather than the reality
of their situation he a ority
this roup also elie ed a e shouldn t
affect their eli i ility it should e a out
hether they can eet the repay ents
n the
a e roup al ost
also said they elie ed a e
shouldn t affect a person s eli i ility
for a ort a e urther ore
people in this a e rac et elie ed that
e eryone ho can afford to a e the
pay ents should e a le to et a
ort a e hen they retire
astha en elie es that lenders should
eep co
on sense front of ind hen
it co es to re ie in custo ers
applications and ensurin they eet
afforda ility criteria t does not dispute
re ulatory clai s that a ar et that
allo s consu ers to o erstretch
the sel es is not or in
ell ut it has
found e idence that s athes of the
population feel una le to interact ith
the ort a e industry


o e

i en the e er ro in self-e ployed
or force the ort a e industry needs
to ta e a fresh loo at ho to support
this sector
hile the o ern ent
supports indi idual enterprise lendin
rules ha en t cau ht up to i e those

ho contri ute to the econo y the
chance to uy their o n ho e
fforda ility odels need to ta e
into account self-e ployed inco e
and contri utions paid ho e er
astha en feels that a lar e nu
of ort a e under rtiers aren t trained
to read accounts properly


he cost of childcare continues to
fuel de ate and it can affect ort a e
applications in ter s of ho
uch it
costs parents each onth ccordin
to a s itch sur ey
so e of the
people they sur eyed had intentionally
concealed the true cost of childcare
and lied on their ort a e application
astha en ur es fa ilies to or
ort a e ro ers ho can help people
find afforda le solutions fit for all
types of fa ilies

Younger borrowers

Younger borrowers struggle
y the r first ro erty

oday so eone can start sa in
for a deposit a ed
et a ort a e
a ed
and then finally o n their
ho e outri ht a ed
ust in ti e
to retire his situation is not
sustaina le thin s ust chan e
to help young people get on the
property ladder sooner
astha en elie es continued
inno ation is required to help first-ti e
uyers onto the property ladder
hether it s helpin parents and
randparents ith equity in their
homes to support younger family
ers or oostin the uildin
of afforda le ho es

er orro er

ncreased lon e ity has funda entally
reshaped the face of odern ritain
ayin off your ort a e pre-retire ent
si ply isn t realistic for any people
these days nd as the o ern ent
launches the ifeti e
to olster
ho e o nership for the under- s
astha en elie es it should also
consider solutions for the a ein
population hich eep ort a es ali e
for lon er fter all fro a lender s
perspecti e a re ular pension inco e
could offer reater security than a
salary these days
astha en has een tradin since
and is authorised and re ulated
y the rudential e ulation uthority
and the inancial onduct uthority t
doesn t ust deal in lendin
it also offers
fixed-ter and exi le sa in s products
nterested in findin out ore
astha en s e site has detailed
product infor ation a out all its
solutions or lendin it operates
throu h inter ediaries only

Call 020 7036 2000

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017

Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 1
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 2
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 3
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 4
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 5
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 6
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 7
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 8
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 9
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 10
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 11
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 12
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 13
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 14
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 15
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 16
Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 17
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Sarah Beeny Autumn 2017 - 24
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