PROMOTION Smart Investing Peer-to-peer lending - the new smart alternative to raising bridging and de elop ent finance for property in estin P eer-to-peer lendin often shortened to is a rapidly ro in ar et ut it ay not be as new as any people thin . hile alternati e for s of lendin ha e co e to the fore since the de astatin financial crash of has een uildin o entu since - its popularity accelerated yet further hen the crisis forced any hi h street an s to shy a ay fro con entional lendin he ar et part of the cro dfundin sector no dra s more than bn worth of loans in the K; across the orld the fi ure is approachin bn. So how does P2P work? platfor s offer an alternative to cash ith pioneers li e opa atesetter and endy payin up to interest. he platfor s ta e oney fro sa ers and lend it to individuals and small usinesses cuttin out an s to i e both sides a better rate. o e er it is al ays orth re e erin that your oney is not protected y the inancial er ices o pensation che e hich nor ally uarantees the first K of sa in s latfor s carefully et loan applicants and spread each loan across any orro ers hile so e run contin ency funds such as endy s pro ision fund in order to pro ide so e protection for in estors fro losses. o o oe e ffer from other P2P platforms? endy specialises in offerin rid in and de elop ent finance to property professionals ia its fast- ro in nu er of in estors sin the hi hly-de eloped cro dfundin platfor endy s in estors pool oney to ether to finance secured property purchases and, perhaps ore ey in today s housin shorta e de elop ent pro ects or in estors the entire process is strai htfor ard and speedy and offers attracti e rates of interest of up to per annum hich has seen the roup s in estor ase dou lin since Also, the platfor is secure to date, no in estor ith endy has ever lost their oney here is, of course, risk with all investment, and it s advised that anyone seeking to invest should consider getting independent financial ad ice n order to safe uard endy s and its in estors interests all lendin is secured ith a le al char e and the loan never exceeds of the property s pen Market Value. An independent hartered ur eyor confir s this offerin reassurance for all in estors ecause even in the e ent of a orro er default endy can repossess and sell the property and typically there will be sufficient oney recouped to pay ac e eryone ho has in ested dditionally lt i Data the orld s leadin ne s site for alternati e finance no na es endy as urope s leadin secured property platfor How does Lendy help the housing crisis? endy is eared to e fast and efficient and so de elopers can ha e access to the finance quic ly allo in the to get on with housing development or uildin pro ects he properties ill then pro ide uch-needed real estate