finance and onths later had uilt a ulti- illion pound property portfolio ithout any start-up capital he handed in her notice at the ity an and hasn t loo ed ac focusin her ener ies on carin for her ro in fa ily and ein a hu ely successful full-ti e property de eloper h er ara is enjoying her finan a free om Family life with c free o ast-for ard fi e years and ara no has a fully ed ed property lifestyle usiness ith a re ote tea that ana es ore than tenants his i es her the freedo to ana e her usiness fro any here in the orld ost recently fro sia and ustralia here she spent three onths tra ellin ith her hus and and their t o youn children han s to the hu e success of her enterprise ara no has the freedo to focus her attention on so ethin she is truly passionate a out he dra a Murdered by My Boyfriend hich as ased on the true story of shley ones ho died at the hands of her a user in front of her youn dau hter left such a deep i pression on ara that she as deter ined to help in so e ay ery ee t o o en die in the TARA IS COMMITTED TO HELPING PEOPLE ACHIEVE GROWTH ON THEIR MONEY AND SUPPORTING VULNERABLE WOMEN IN THE UK due to do estic iolence yet on an a era e day ore than o en and children are turned a ay fro refu es either ecause they are full or ha e closed due to fundin cuts lea in these o en ith no option ut to return to their a users ara realised she anted to e part of the solution and use her no led e in property to a e sure that e ery o an and child needin a safe place to stay ould ha e one and that returnin to an a user due to a lac of safe housin ould no lon er e their only option er o o ara disco ered she could fulfil this personal ission hile at the sa e ti e achie in her usiness oals of i in her in estors excellent returns ith each pro ect ara co pletes of her profits o to ards settin up as any o en s refu es as she can he opened her first refu e last year in partnership ith the s leadin do estic iolence charity o en s id and has plans to open a further ore o er the next fi e years e ro er erv ce HOW TO GET INVOLVED Who is the property boomerang service for? 'Absolutely anyone, especially those tired of getting painstakingly low interest rates from the bank, and wants their money to work harder for them.' How much is needed to invest in this service? 'You'll need a minimum of £20K.' What sort of returns can I expect? 'Returns can be offered on a case-by-case basis, depending on security, experience and the amount invested. Returns are between ten to 15 times that of current high street banks.' Is this completely hands-free? 'You can be involved as little or as much as you like, and learning opportunities are offered for those keen to understand how property development works. Those who don't want to be "hands on", don't have to be involved at all.' What types of property developments would my money be invested in? i h ro i co rcial o residential conversions, featuring lar ro ar i ha ca withstand a market downturn.' What are the risks? 'As with any property project there are risks involved; but we do our best to work on projects that have gone through rigorous due diligence by myself and my development partners.' Can I invest through my pension? 'You can invest through a private pension, boosting your pension pot. More details can be offered.' o o fin o t more 'Visit my website (see right).' oo er he creation of ara s roperty oo eran er ice does hat the na e su ests in estors ac one of her hi h-profitin pro ects and at the end of the fixed ter usually et een onths their funds oo eran ac to the ith a handso e profit on top ro ects often in ol e con ertin existin co ercial uildin s into stylish residential ho es creatin a in- in solution for oth her in estors and her personal ission ve e ara s ost recent pro ect ith in estors as the purchase of a orth ondon li rary hich ill e con erted into apart ents hen the reno ation is co pleted the units ill sell for close to pro idin a reat return for in estors ara is co itted to helpin people achie e ro th on their oney and supportin ulnera le o en in the as part of her ission to tac le the issue of do estic iolence f you are interested in ein part of her ission and also ant to a e a handso e return on your oney or if you ould li e to recei e updates and find out ho you can support the refu e or isit the e site elo FOR MORE INFORMATION Visit www.impactproperty.uk