▲ EXTERIOR LOVELY LANDSCAPING Planting can make the approach to your house all the more appealing. Choose scented plants such as lavender so that you get a beautiful smell as you brush past on the way in and out. UPGRADE YOUR GLASS SARAH SAYS 'Nothing adds more value to a home than an exterior facelift done in a really clever way. Think of the outside of a home as a face and consider what difference it makes to a face to have very differently shaped glasses or totally different hair colour.' 218 | OCTOBER 2017 UPGRADING THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR HOUSE WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY EVERY TIME YOU COME HOME, AND WILL INCREASE KERB APPEAL WHEN YOU COME TO SELL Replacing tired, dated windows and doors is one of the simplest ways to give your home a fab new look. It will also improve your home's energy efficiency, saving you money in the long run.