PROMOTION Experiencing mould? f your ho e has de eloped condensation and da p pro le s follo in ca ity all insulation you may be able to claim compensation avity wall insulation can be a cost-effective way to improve ener y efficiency reducin heatin ills and car on e issions o e er not all houses are suitable for cavity wall insulation. or thousands of unfortunate householders across the their ca ity all insulation has een poorly fitted or should not ha e een installed in the first place or so e the installation has been the start of a nightmare. otential issues ran e fro da p and condensation throu h to serious structural da a e and health pro le s Things will not improve until the insulation is extracted a process that can be expensive. Even if there are no sy pto s initially pro le s ay de elop if the insulation has een incorrectly fitted What exactly is cavity wall insulation? There are three main types of cavity all insulation foa ineral ool and polystyrene eads he insulation is blown into the cavity in the external all fro the outside to fill the aps f you ha e already had ca ity all insulation installed and are experiencin pro le s relatin to it then you ay e entitled to co pensation en if you ha en t experienced any pro le s it ay e orth spea in to il in ton ha for peace of ind any ho eo ners a reed to ca ity all insulation e en thou h their ho es ere not suita le and should not ha e een insulated en if there are no apparent pro le s the fact that insulation has een fitted hen it should not ha e een Some homes are unsuitable for cavity wall insulation