HOME IMPROVEMENTS ▲ NEVER INSTALL A SMOKE DETECTOR ON A WALL, AS IT COULD RESULT IN A DELAY IN THE ALARM ACTIVATING FIRE SAFETY TIPS Fire is fast THERE IS NO TIME TO OR MAKE A PHONE CALL. JUST EXIT THE UNDER THE SMOKE LEVEL. Many local Fire and Rescue Services will come to your home and carry out a Home Fire Risk Check to help keep you and your fa ily safe or ore infor ation on fire safety isit fire ills ca pai n o u or contact your local Fire and Rescue Service (not 999). o fires a day are caused y candles so, if you use them, make sure they are in a secure holder and placed away from aterials that ay catch fire such as curtains l ays extin uish the hen you leave the room; even if only for a minute. e isterin an electrical product allo s manufacturers to contact consumers directly in case of a safety concern, such as a product recall ut three quarters of consumers fail to do so. This means there are potentially millions of recalled electrical items still in UK homes that offer a risk of shoc or fire e ister your products at re ister yappliance or u or recalls isit electricalsafetyfirst or u recall o e ffice ire tatistics sho that last year in n land fires ere caused y do estic electrical hite oods such as dish ashers and frid e free ers his is the equi alent of ore than fi e fires a day educe your ris y s itchin off household appliances hen you o on holiday or a ay for lon periods he proportion of fire clai s caused y electrical faults has risen y ore than a third accordin to fi ures fro o-op Insurance. Claims analysts at the insurer report that the sur e correlates to the purchase of counterfeit phone char ers nly uy official char ers counterfeit ones are often ade ith poor quality components that fail to meet UK safety re ulations Don't overdo the extension leads: e en thou h there is space to plu in four appliances, this does not mean it is always safe to do so hec the current ratin of the lead typically found on the ac ost are rated at ut so e are rated at only or less ind out if you are exceedin the maximum load with Electrical Safety irst s online calculator at it ly www.athomemagazine.co.uk OCTOBER 2017 | 141