Get cosy 169 92 64 141 135 58 64 73 and kept a diary of the buying process THE RISE OF THE RETIRED LANDLORD How property can help to top up your pension pot WHAT'S UP WITH HOUSE PRICES? You might be surprised by some of the things that are affecting the value of your home MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR HOME From getting a lodger to renting out a cupboard; there are lots of ways to earn extra cash INTERIORS 80 87 92 98 CREATE THE PERFECT LIVING ROOM Follow these seven simple steps and have a living room that's perfect for relaxing in WELL HUNG Use your walls to create vital extra storage space LET'S SNUGGLE Treat yourself to some cosy home buys to keep you snug in winter RETURN TO SPLENDOUR Keep your kitchen classic for timeless style OCTOBER 2017 | 011