FA S H I O N ▲ M aking sense o a dress code can be di cu t so when an invitation arrives or a b ack tie dinner cocktai or even a su er garden arty it is natura to anic s ight y over what to wear. on t anic though i you an your accessories in advance you can instant y trans or that b ack u suit you ve worn to death the ru y skirt hidden at the back o your wardrobe or the axi dress that swa s you. he right iece o ewe ery not on y adds g a our but worn the right way can engthen a neck ine ake you ook s i er and draw attention to your best arts. BLACK TIE he words b ack tie wi create both excite ent and ear within ost wo en. though an o ortunity to dress u is exciting the sco e or what to wear is so vast it can be so ewhat daunting. hatever you choose to wear though you need to be e egant and the sa e goes or your ewe ery. ry not to overdo it at a b ack tie event as your ewe ery shou d be c assic and si e advises sty ist ay e inkoff whos ce ebrity c ient ist inc udes ynthia Nixon Minnie river and e en Mirren. s a or er sty ist or Tatler arrods and Vogue UK ay e knows on y too we what works on the red car et where any o her c ients have turned u in their best b ack tie attire. your dress is si e you can ake a state ent with your ewe ery but i you have a atterned out t kee your accessories si e. stra ess to ca s or dro earrings which wou d the s ace between shou ders and ace and i you are wearing a dress with a high neck ine ut on a arge cuff which wi he to draw the eye down. WORDS: SUZANNE BAUM, IMAGES: GETTY IMAGES COCKTAIL NIGHT resses tend to be shorter than or b ack tie wear and you can de nite y get away with a s art trouser suit or u suit or a cocktai arty. gain what ewe ery you wear de ends on the co our o your out t. ccording to ashion and ce ebrity sty ist ache avis who has dressed the ikes o aisy owe E e Mac herson and nna rie i you an to wear a bo d co our then stick with a cute air o earrings and a atching brace et. owever i you o t or a itt e b ack dress nothing is as e egant and ti e ess as a set o ear s and i your out t has a unging neck ine its a ways nice to work a neck ace she adds. ne ace to nd the er ect neck ace is ewe ery .co which has the ost stunning co ection o ge s. he crysta endants wi add a dra atic ook to any ong evening gown. FORMAL ATTIRE his is uite a tricky dress code as retty uch anything goes rovided o course you ook s art. e it a work arty business eeting or dinner with the a i y you can be bo d with your ewe ery i you ee your out t is a bit ain. ts a ways nice to wear a iece o state ent ewe ery at a or a unction as it akes you stand out ro the crowd and i ost eo e are wearing b ack a o o co our is er ect says ache . here is a great trend or costu e ewe ery now and even a vintage neck ace wou d work great on or a attire. SUMMER GARDEN PARTY his ty e o event sti re uires a bit o dressing u but being ess or a than the above eans you can get ore creative with your ewe ery and o t or ieces that are bright and cheery. hink su er boho trends advises ache . ong tasse neck aces are right on trend and i your out t is white you can show it off with so e tur uoise beading. Miss Mi y s oria co ection has so e b oo ing great ieces. usters o co our u flowers wi suit a ain dress whi e a so o flower or ea on an extension chain wi nish your out t off er ect y. rings are your thing an a ua resin stone shows off your ive y side. heck out iss i y.co.uk ay e adds that stacked u bang es are a so worth investing in. t a su er garden arty you are a ong riends in a casua environ ent so be un with your ewe ery but i you don t have the con dence to be bo d ick one ite to ex eri ent with. CASUAL OUTING ro a a i y outing to the schoo run you can sti accessorise with ewe ery even when dressing down. heres no need to wear anything too bo d but so ething retty and si e wi a ways ook nice even when running around in a tracksuit says ay e. i y har ed ewe ery i ychar ed.co has si e yet sty ish neck aces. hink horseshoes trees and hearts in ster ing si ver or ated go d and rose. theres one thing a gir shou d invest in or everyday wear it shou d be a si e go d or si ver ne neck ace adds ache . heres a great trend at the o ent or ear ieces too such as go d hoo s and dia onds earrings which can be is atched together. t adds a unky ook even i youre at ho e. www.athomemagazine.co.uk AUGUST 2017 | 091http://www.athomemagazine.co.uk