At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 333

T R AV E L ▲



Valletta, Malta
This tiny rock in the Mediterranean has seen a surge in popularity
a ong tourists over the ast ve years. ever arketing and E
membership - it joined in 2004 and has received funding to improve
its roads and public buildings - mean Malta now welcomes millions of
visitors annua y. ut whi e the govern ent o this or er ritish
co ony is ooking to the uture its Ma tas ast that ca tivates trave ers.
Valletta, the capital, was built as a fortress city by the Christian
order the nights o t ohn in the
ost a the bui dings
were constructed from pale cream limestone, which has aged
beauti u y to a gorgeous war honey co our.
CAFE CULTURE The city is easy to navigate as its streets
are laid out in a grid and it is on a peninsular, bordered
by the sea on three sides. browsed the sho s and
cafes lining Republic Street, the main thoroughfare,
before sitting in St George's Square with a delicious
istachio ge ato to watch the dancing ountains.
Facing the square is the impressive Presidential
Palace, and I spent a few happy hours wandering
around its rooms and armoury, learning about
Malta's impressive military importance since
edieva ti es. ust down the road is the ornate t
John's Co-Cathedral, a Catholic place of worship with a
stunning go d aro ue interior.
SECRET STREETS One of my greatest pleasures was
ex oring the stee s abbed streets that ead off the centra
district where i - e tin a etta residents ive. ashing is
strung across balconies, while books, clothes and everyday
essentials are sold in tiny, cramped shops with unpredictable
o ening hours. trait treet was the red ight district in
the th century but is now the best ace or bars o en
underground or hidden behind Malta's ubiquitous
wooden doors which are thrown o en as the sun sets.
Valletta has beautiful public gardens such as Hastings,
a thin stri
ed with trees which offers we co e shade
during the searing ugust heat and
er arrakka arden
that has striking views o the rand arbour and the hree ities.

asy a e AUGUST 2017 | 333

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017

At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 1
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 2
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 3
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 4
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 5
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 6
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 7
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 8
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 9
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 10
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 11
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 12
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 13
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 14
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 15
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 16
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 17
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 18
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 19
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 20
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 21
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 22
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 23
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 24
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 25
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 26
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 27
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 28
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 29
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 30
At Home With Lorraine Kelly 2017 - 31
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