▲ T R AV E L men hunting whales and seals. The rats decimated the birdlife but they are slowly recovering. I stayed on deck as we sailed away from South Georgia watching this spectacular mountainous island until it was a smudge on the horizon and then disappeared altogether. ro outh eorgia we anchored at tan ey in the a k ands or a flying visit. I really need to return to this incredibly friendly place as there is so much to see and do. he residents are erce y roud to be British. They have such a rich history and the scenery and wildlife is absolutely unmissable. It really was the trip of a lifetime, but one visit simply isn't enough, and I can't wait to go back. Watch this space! 328 | AUGUST 2017 AT SHACKLETON'S GRAVE ON SOUTH GEORGIA IMAGES: STEVE SMITH, GETTY IMAGES HOME FROM HOME