FA M I L Y L I F E ▲ WORDS OF WISDOM HAVING GOOD MANNERS AND RESPECTING YOUR ELDERS ARE JUST SOME OF THE VALUES PASSED ON FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION H ow many times have you imparted advice to a friend or family member? Probably quite a lot. And you've no doubt had your fair share of wonder u i e-a r ing nuggets too. While you may not follow every word to the letter, for most people, theres one ge that resonates. e s oke to a range o eo e who reca their most important piece of advice. JAINE STANNARD chief executive of children's charity School-Home Support 'When I had my children, my mother always said to me: "Don't worry - no mother is perfect!" Such few words really helped whenever I felt like things were getting on to o e and it's become a part of our ethos at School-Home Support. We work with vu nerab e and disadvantaged a i ies and o en they are to d what they re doing wrong a o the ti e but nobody points out what they're doing right. arenting is very hard work and there's a positive aspect to a ost every a i y. o ing ro that ositive ang e wi ake a tired other strugg ing to ake ends eet feel a lot better. Then we can work with the to i rove arenting ski s if they need that extra support.' www.athomemagazine.co.uk AUGUST 2017 | 263http://www.athomemagazine.co.uk