OUTDOORS ▲ LORRAINE SAYS find weeding very satisfying, but ve left a little patch to grow wild to attract bumble bees. We need these fabulous creatures and should do all we can to encourage them into our gardens. DRESS THE SPACE ust ike any roo inside the house sty ish accessories add a nishing touch to the garden. his cou d be dressing a wa with bunting hanging anterns ro trees or brightening u a border with a er wind i s. araso s awnings and ga ebos can be en oyed on hot days and used as she ter during su er rain! dd a c assic barbecue or wood- red oven or er ect i as. nd a coa or e ectric outdoor re co ete with swanky seating wi kee everyone cosy on su er evenings. LIGHTS ON utdoor ighting adds a agica g ow to any garden and there are creative o tions or every budget. n a grand sca e ow- eve ighting can be insta ed to i u inate athways down ighters added to wa s create texture and at os here in the dusky hours and s ot ighting wi draw attention to statues or water eatures. o ight u the night -sty e so ar ights can be dotted around the garden or a bient bea s without the hass e o cab es and ower sources. e icate airy ights estooned in trees give a Midsu er Nights rea ee and i ar cand es in hurricane anterns catch the eye when flickering a ong aths and ow wa s. E JUST ADD WATER VEG OUT ardens and diets are uch roved with a vegetab e atch. u er vegetab es inc ude broad and runner beans cucu bers and courgettes. heres a current trend or ore adventurous veggies too g obe artichokes ak choi and wiss chard are a thriving in ritish gardens. or those new to vegetab e growing garden centres and stores can he with anning and ateria s and the ain riority is to osition the atch in an area that gets at east ve hours o sun each day. M N M E i gardens bene t ro a oca oint and a water eature is er ect. t brings sound ove ent and i e to a green s ace and can be either a estic or bi oux de ending on the si e and sty e o the surroundings. or a tran ui yet odern o tion a a ing ountain cra ed ro stone si i ar to the wa s and aths o the garden is idea . unken onds ook great on arge awns when surrounded by ush o iage ree-standing onds are a sty ish so ution or s a atios. hatever the eature bear in ind a wi re uire access to ower and water so consider sa ety issues such as encing or chi dren. www.athomemagazine.co.uk AUGUST 2017 | 255http://www.athomemagazine.co.uk