222 | AUGUST 2017 FRINGE BENEFITS o what about a ringe Many o us had one at schoo and they can cover a u titude o orehead ines and b e ishes but can we rock one bso ute y! says rankie Moody senior sty ist at the May air sa on o o ans ord. ringe can be articu ar y flattering as it can ra e the ace and draw attention away ro ne ines. Erro is in tota agree ent and is a an o o der wo en s orting ringes M M Older women with very lengthy locks o en get criticised or how they ook in act were to d that ong hair akes wo en over ook ike utton dressed as a b. ccording to Erro ong hair tends to o en u the ace which eans that i you have ines and wrink es or idd e-aged acne it cou d a ear ore ro inent. ery ong straight hair is a de nite no-no and very unflattering he says. owever i you re not ready to go or the cho roya and ce ebrity hairdresser ichard ard who o en works on orraine e y s break ast show trans or ing the hair o her guests advises going or a ore de ned haircut with ong ayers. you are wearing it ong its essentia that your hair is in good condition he says. NNE DON'T CARE FOR LONG HAIR? E E M E E 'A FRINGE CAN BE PARTICULARLY FLATTERING AS IT CAN FRAME THE FACE AND DRAW ATTENTION AWAY FROM FINE LINES'