BEAUT Y ▲ HEAD FOREHEAD en a ronounced area o the ace oreheads are ex osed to high eve s o radiation says aye aytonMc ann o the nternationa nstitute or nti- geing. s a resu t concerns in this area inc ude textura rob e s uneven skin tone and o course ines and wrink es. TREAT IT: CLINIQUE SPF 30 ANTI-WRINKLE FACE CREAM (£18, CLINIQUE.CO.UK) (1) is a b end o inera and traditiona ters us o ar art techno ogy to de end skin against the sun da age that can resu t in ines and wrink es. he ve vety or u a s i s on easi y absorbs uick y and won t aggravate acne. n ike ost crea s with its sa e or the eye-area too. WORDS: TRISH LESSLIE, IMAGES: GETTY IMAGES, FOR STOCKISTS: SEE PG 345 EYELIDS he skin on eye ids is extre e y thin on average it is . thick co ared to the skin on the rest o the ace which is . thick ex ains aye. here ore the eye ids re uire ore nutrients and greater su ort ro an anti-aging ers ective than say the cheek area si y because the skin isn t as robust. he eye ids are a so one o the ost obi e arts o the ace with the de icate skin oving every ti e you b ink which is another reason why they tend to age uick y. TREAT IT: raditiona eye treat ents are o en oaded with heavy carriers and e o ients which eans they shou d be a ied on y around the socket o the eye to avoid u ness. ENVIRON'S VITA-PEPTIDE EYE GEL (£49.95, IIAA.EU) (2) has a ight or u a that can be a ied to the who e eye id area de ivering a cocktai o vita ins antioxidants and e tides to ght off wrink es and he aintain r ness. NOSE e ned ores and breakouts are o en an issue in this area because it is rone to oi iness and congestion. you suffer ro these rob e s its i ortant not to stri oi but to regu ate sebu roduction using essentia atty acids and vita ins. y doing so ores wi a ear re ned and wi not re eated y break out owing to the use o harsh ingredients that co ro ise the skins va ue says aye. TREAT IT: TRILOGY CERTIFIED ORGANIC ROSEHIP OIL LIGHT BLEND (£31.50, HOLLAND & BARRETT) (3) he s to regu ate the skins natura oi roduction and i rove tone ne ines and wrink es. osehi and cranberry oisturise and re air whi e o oba he s so en and antioxidant yco ene ro to ato rovides rotection against ree radica da age. t won t c og ores and is easi y absorbed. 1 2 3 CHEEKS ver-ex o iation can resu t in the cheek areas being ex osed to so e o the harshest treat ent says aye. roken ca i aries and uneven skin tone tend to be the ri ary concerns in this area resu ting ro ex osing new skin to the e e ents the i ature e ider is isn t ab e to rovide su cient rotection. TREAT IT: BOTANICS ALL BRIGHT HYDRATING NIGHT CREAM (£6.99, BOOTS) (4) contains hibiscus extract. he ex o iating flower acids gent y s ough away dead skin ce s whi e you s ee so you wake u to a s oother hea thier ooking co exion. y in the evening a er c eansing. NECK he skin covering the neck is ess vascu ar than the ace which i its the ositive effects that circu ation brings by de ivering regenerative nutrients ex ains aye. he resu t o this can be sagging sa ow skin and ronounced ow s. 4 6 5 7 TREAT IT: PRAI AGELESS THROAT CONCENTRATE (£39.99, PRAIBEAUTY.CO.UK) (5) uses nstensy to ini ise uckered sagging skin under the chin and ow area the effect is noticeab e within an hour. heck out the co ete range or onger- asting r ing resu ts. 8 9 LIPS he skin o the i has ust three to ve ayers which is very thin co ared to the skin on the rest o the ace which ty ica y runs u to ayers dee says aye. ith no hair sweat g ands or sebaceous g ands i s ack the rotective ayer o sweat and body oi s that kee s the rest o the skin s ooth ki s athogens and regu ates te erature. hats why they tend to dry out aster and beco e cha ed ore easi y. TREAT IT: CLARINS INSTANT LIGHT LIP COMFORT OIL (£19, CLARINS.CO.UK) (6) is in used with ant-based active ingredients inc uding o oba oi that rovides instant re ie or sore i s. vai ab e in six shades us neutra . ear it a one or over i stick. 10 11 12 AUGUST 2017 | 197http://CLINIQUE.CO.UK http://PRAIBEAUTY.CO.UK http://www.IIAA.EU http://CLARINS.CO.UK