H E A LT H & W E L L B E I NG ▲ 'I SEEM TO HAVE CAUGHT AN EXERCISE BUG I NEVER KNEW EXISTED, HAVING PREVIOUSLY HAD MANY FAILED ATTEMPTS TO LOSE WEIGHT' WARMING UP PRIOR TO ANOTHER SESSION STEADY NOW! SUZANNE LIFTS A KETTLEBELL WEIGHT TRAINING SUZANNE BAUM, 44 he wor d o kett ebe s dead eg i s and bench presses was never a part of mine, so the fact that I can now do all three con dent y s e with ride. can even cha enge y teenage boys to a ress-u co etition having bui t u a huge a ount o u er body strength thanks to y ersona trainer ia ey an. ia has guided e through a vigorous tness and nutritiona rogra e at ondons unxion unxion gy a strength and conditioning aci ity that ocuses on a holistic approach to movement, nutrition and we being. see to have caught an exercise bug never knew existed having revious y had any ai ed atte ts to ose weight inc uding week y runs and fad diets, which relieved neither y ack o energy or hunger angs. er seeing any o y riends trans or their gures on the rogra e did what any se res ecting erson suffering a id- i e crisis wou d do got a ersona trainer cou dn t afford and s ent over the odds on su e ents training shoes and tness gear. t has however been worth every enny. eing taught how to do weight i ing ro er y not to ention o d- ashioned bar ty e s uats and ress-u s has had such a ositive i act on e. though y sessions with ia were i ited to ust two a week due to work co it ents the resu ts have been i ressive. Not on y have ost weight and bui t usc e in aces that had been e barrassing y flabby but ee so uch ore energised. have rea ised weight training is not ust or the stereoty ica Miche in en with bu ging usc es but or idd e aged wo en ike e too. ts been hard work but ve oved it and na y be ieve can ee con dent in y swi wear this su er. ii a HOWEVER HARD YOU TRAIN, IF YOUR DIET IS POOR, YOU SIMPLY WILL NOT GET THE RESULTS YOU DESIRE. www.athomemagazine.co.uk AUGUST 2017 | 155http://www.athomemagazine.co.uk