H E A LT H & W E L L B E I NG ▲ NAP ON TAP HAVING DIFFICULTY SLEEPING? YOU'RE CERTAINLY NOT ALONE. TRY THESE EXPERT TIPS AND YOU SHOULD QUICKLY GET BACK OFF TO THE LAND OF NOD O ne in three people will suffer ro inso nia at so e oint in their i e and it ay not i rove as you get o der. he a ount o s ee you need de ends on your age to -year-o ds shou d have seven to nine hours each night . ut s ee or rather the nations obsession with a ack o it is extre e y co on. he over- s is the age grou ost ike y to have di cu ty s ee ing due to work oney and a i y-re ated stress. ro not being ab e to dri off to waking u severa ti es in the night when you na y do and being unab e to get back to s ee it is a dai y rustration or any. ith ore than i ion being s ent on s ee ing i s as a short-ter cure hea th chie s are concerned that regu ar use cou d ead to sycho ogica de endency. o i you strugg e to s ee try these ti s instead E N N r Nerina a akhan s ee ex ert and author o Fast Asleep Wide Awake . ar er horsons has good advice or oor s ee ers. hen we get into our s we have conflicting de ands o chi dren growing u and www.athomemagazine.co.uk AUGUST 2017 | 131http://www.athomemagazine.co.uk