R E L AT I O N S H I P F I X E S ▲ STILL STRUGGLING? TRY THERAPY As for your sex lives, Barbara says: 'If sex is becoming routine or not ha ening so o en ta k about it and think about what you can do different y and when and where. Planned sex can be just as exciting as s ontaneous sex. a er taking these ste s things still haven't improved, it may be youd bene t ro re ationshi counse ing or sex thera y. his ay he you get that s ark back and i rove your overa we being. o as we as so e inti ate un try ex eri enting with the o owing ideas to he re ight your re GO TO BED AT THE SAME TIME en one o you is a night ow and the other an early bird, so you may be ore ike assing shi s in the night if your bedtime routine is not co atib e. ry to go to bed at the sa e ti e at east once a week. It may not lead to sex, but a bit of i ow ta k can be ust as good and having so e ti e together without anything or anyone else getting in the way is i ortant. BRING BREAKFAST TO YOUR PARTNER IN BED Mornings may be chaotic in your house what with getting ready or work doing the househo d chores and acking the kids off to schoo . One of you is usually on your phone its very ike y you re not together in the o ent. o breaking routine and doing this small gesture of re aring break ast in bed every now and then wi ake you both ee cherished. e re ared or once to over ook the cru bs on the bedsheets. ASK HIM AN 'OUT THERE' QUESTION hink you know everything about your artner Most relationships can get sta e when you think theres nothing new so be daring and ask a question you've LORRAINE SAYS 'Don't ever take each other for granted and make sure you work at the relationship. Check in with one another and be interested in what your partner has to say. You need to talk about more than just buying bog roll and what's for tea. Go on "date nights" and do things together, but always have your own interests so you have plenty to talk about and things don't get stale.' a ways been curious about. t doesn t have to be related to sex but by igniting a conversation you can push each other to a deeper state of mind - and be clear to leave anything childre ated out o the way. SHARE DETAILS OF A SEXY DREAM OR JUMP IN THE SHOWER TOGETHER You may have done this in the early days o your re ationshi but throw caution to the wind and do it again. If your relationship has become sta e you ay nd it a bit awkward to begin with but get into the flow and ho e u y the o ent wi draw you c oser together. DANCE TO 'YOUR' SONG (OR WEDDING SONG) Music can o en evoke e ories ro the ast so what better way to bring you more together than listening to a eaning u song. rush away the cobwebs and a ow yourse ves to beco e nosta gic o the good ti es. MAKE A TOAST EACH TIME YOU OPEN A BOTTLE ounds a bit naff ho cares its a nice excuse to complement each other and toast to the uture. SHARE STORY TIME AT THE KIDS' BEDTIME If you have young children, you'll know bedti e is articu ar y stress u es ecia y i you have had a ong day. ou ay o en eave it to one o you to read your child's bedtime story but try doing it together occasiona y. t can be very rewarding sharing s ecia time as a family and reading together as a unit can a so be very re axing. AND FINALLY, NEVER GO TO BED ON AN ARGUMENT 'One of my best bits of advice is to sort out any issues you have with your artner be ore you hit the i ow says re ationshi s ecia ist iffany right o show The Proposers. 'In the heat of the moment it is o en easy ust to wa k off and ho e things wi reso ve the se ves in the orning she says. on t s ee on your anger as it wi ust drag into another day. nd then theres a ways the ake-u sex www.athomemagazine.co.uk AUGUST 2017 | 127http://www.athomemagazine.co.uk