EE E LOSING THE HEAT FROM A LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP IS OFTEN INEVITABLE, SO HOW CAN YOU SPICE THINGS UP AND TURN THE ROMANCE BACK ON? F rom taking each other for granted to spending zero quality time together, long gone are the days when you couldn't keep your hands off each other. owever according to gures re eased in une ewer eo e are getting divorced in England and Wales compared to revious years. n act the atest gures ro the ce or Nationa tatistics revea ed heterosexua cou es divorced in a a o . over the year be ore and a assive dec ine o co ared to divorce gures in . he bad news or -so ethings however is that the highest divorce rate co es ro the - age grou where cou es have no doubt been arried or onger eriods o ti e. time alone, without the company of chi dren. o on regu ar date nights or ust stay in watch a ovie and get a takeaway together. you can afford it take a ho iday or a short break away ro it a . t doesn t have to be anything particularly fancy - the point is you get to s end ua ity ti e together. he adds e ind yourse regu ar y about what you ove about your artner. ay each other compliments and don't forget to say ove you . a k together about how you met and the ove y ha y e ories you have. ooking back at photographs can be a good way to start a conversation. 126 | AUGUST 2017 M E E M M 'DON'T SLEEP ON YOUR ANGER AS IT WILL JUST DRAG INTO ANOTHER DAY' NNE he reason this age-grou is affected most is presumably down to a number of factors including boredom, the added stress o nancia issues and even a idd e-age crisis. our communication with one another may have gone out the window a ong with your sex life - and for those bringing up a young family, it is easy for the kids to get in the way as you focus on their needs not your artners. Relate marriage counsellor Barbara oney says e he so any cou es who say their relationship is on the rocks because raising children has eant the husband and wi e have had no ti e or each other. t ay sound obvious but its important to ensure you spend E WHAT HAS GONE WRONG?