HOW DISTANCE LEARNING HELPED A BUSY MUM CHANGE CAREER When the company where Natalie worked as an office manager was taken over, her job flexibility disappeared. That's bad news when you're a mum with a young family. Things had to change. After helping out with reading and other activities at the primary school her children attended, she decided that working in a school as a teaching assistant could be a job that would meet her and the family's needs. Starting her course in May 2015, Natalie enjoyed the flexibility that studying with Open Study College delivered. She could study at her own pace, at a time that suited her and enjoy access to award-winning tutor support by email. She worked through the course quickly and in just six months she'd completed the level 3 qualification. But she needed a convenient way of studying for the right qualification. That's why she considered distance learning. Only one year after leaving her job, Natalie had qualified as a teaching assistant and started working in a school. 'Open Study College was the best route for me as it meant I could complete the course at my own pace and still be there to collect my children after school.' 'This way of learning is absolutely perfect for anyone who needs an income while studying towards a new career.' I'M DOING A JOB I LOVE, WITH THE FAMILY FLEXIBILITY I WANT. NATALIE HANCOCK TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE 450 COURSES AVAILABLE TO STUDY FROM HOME, VISIT WWW.OPENSTUDYCOLLEGE.COM OR CALL NOW ON 0121 329 4667.http://WWW.OPENSTUDYCOLLEGE.COM