WORDS: VANESSA HOLBURN, IMAGES: GETTY IMAGES, SHUTTERSTOCK G E N E R A L H E A LT H ▲ WHEN WORRY TAKES OVER ANXIETY AFFECTS ONE IN SIX PEOPLE, WITH A NEW CASE OF WORKRELATED STRESS, DEPRESSION OR ANXIETY DIAGNOSED EVERY TWO MINUTES IN THE UK. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN REGAIN CONTROL... T he latest celebrities to admit they have suffered from anxiety include former England goalkeeper Chris Kirkland and Hollywood A-lister Michelle Pfeiffer. While everyone feels anxious during stressful periods, for those suffering with clinical anxiety the feelings are stronger and more frequent. As a chronic condition, the effects can be debilitating - and statistics suggest more people are being affected. NHS Digital figures show an increase of 46% in hospital admissions for anxiety between 2005 and 2015. Of particular concern is the rise in anxiety among children and teenagers, with Anxiety UK's hotline seeing a 5% year-on-year increase in calls relating to young people. Are we experiencing an anxiety epidemic and what can we do? > www.athomemagazine.co.uk FEBRUARY 2018 | 049