CONTENTS February 26 NOTEBOOK THE BIG INTERVIEW 19 NEWS A round up of the latest health news, including intravenous vitamin infusions and how to work out if you have a vitamin D deficiency 32 25 FREAKY FRUITS Bored of bananas? Check out these strange but super exotic fruits to liven up your healthy eating regime 42 26 BEAUTIFUL BALMS Just what the doctor ordered - sort out dry, chapped winter skin and nails with these all round multi-taskers WHY THE DRUGS DON'T WORK Antibiotic resistance is something we all need to be aware of; it's the biggest health crisis the nation has faced in modern times 49 WHEN WORRY TAKES OVER Don't let anxiety get in the way of you living a full and happy life 53 IT'S TIME TO GIVE SNIFFLES THE BOOT Make your lifestyle healthier with these simple tips 28 BOOZE - BAH! Done dry January? Keep up the good work with these tasty ultra low or no- alcohol tipples 014 | FEBRUARY 2018 HOW CAN I HELP YOU TODAY? We catch up with the nation's favourite doctor to chat about the struggle GPs face, health apps and how to teach healthy lifestyles GENERAL HEALTH 32 89