KEEPING them safe ONLINE THE INTERNET IS A POWERFUL TOOL - BUT AS CHILDREN GET MORE SAVVY, GROWN-UPS NEED TO GET INVOLVED IN THEIR DIGITAL LIVES P arents can sometimes find it difficult to keep up with the latest apps, websites and online games that children are using. And, in a world where children are 'growing up digital', it's particularly difficult to keep up with your kids and bridge the knowledge gap. Internet Matters' research* shows that six-year-olds are now as digitally advanced today as 10-year-olds were just three years ago. Nearly half of sixyear-olds are browsing the internet and 75% are playing games individually on a tablet or smartphone - and one in three is using an instant messaging service such as WhatsApp. Carolyn Bunting, general manager at Internet Matters, says: 'While the statistics around six-year-olds and their internet habits might be surprising to some, it shows the rapid pace of change in technology and how vital it is for parents to set up devices safely and understand some of the risks involved when a child goes online.' To some people this may not come as too much of a surprise. After all, these days children are growing up with the internet all around them. It is perhaps the greatest innovation of this era and it offers children endless possibilities to learn, communicate and create - but with that comes the