AT T I C M A K E O V E R ▲ SALVAGED SCAFFOLD PLANKS FROM AROUND LINCOLN CATHEDRAL WERE USED FOR THE FLOOR JO'S TOP THREE MAXIMS for surviving a renovation 1. LEARN TO LOVE RESEARCH I can honestly say research is one of my favourite things to do. But never before has it paid more dividends. Learn to love it - and not only when it comes to finding the perfect finishing touches. More than once, thorough research saved our bacon when it came to building regulations. 2. BE TOLERANT We both came to appreciate that there were going to be days when we couldn't face making any decisions and bad days when we were dismantling things, effectively taking steps backwards in order to complete something which, at the time, seemed so small yet was having such a big impact. Those times were a struggle. 'Be tolerant' became our mantra. Remind yourselves that it won't last forever. 3. EMBRACE ACCEPTANCE Going hand-in-hand with tolerance is acceptance. You get to a point where you learn to let stuff go - the smell and constant presence of plaster dust, the incessant noise of some power tool or other: one day it just doesn't bother you any more. The sooner you accept change, and the mess that goes with it, the easier any renovation work will become. Before Before JO AND JEM FOUND THE SPACE IN THE LOFT AREA WAS LARGE ENOUGH TO INCORPORATE AN EN-SUITE You do not usually need specific planning permission to install an en-suite bathroom, but work must comply with building regulations. MAY 2017 | 223