FOREWORD HELLO READERS! W PHOTOGRAPH: TERRY BENSON elcome to my latest edition of Ask The Doctor magazine. I'm delighted to be back guest editing this issue, which is packed full of advice and tips that are relevant for anyone who wants to improve their overall health - regardless of age, gender or fitness levels. It's never too late to make a change. I've had a good start to 2015 with the launch of my new Channel 4 show Weighing Up The Enemy. It was such a great experience to explore the real reason why so many dieters fail - a lack of motivation. Hopefully you'll be inspired by the success stories on pg 179. Elsewhere in the mag, we take a look at heart and lung illnesses, common eye diseases, how to stay healthy at work and a range of different cancers - something that I've been involved in with the Stand Up To Cancer campaign which has raised an incredible £15.5million so far. See how you can cancer-proof your own life on pg 169. Enjoy the issue! MARCH 2015 | 007