Restoring your independence You don't need to put up with hip problems and pain, an artificial replacement performed by a specialist surgeon can have you back on your feet in no time - and enjoying activities once again F or some, the prospect of a hip replacement brings with it associations of an invasive procedure with a lengthy recovery time and restricted mobility. You'll be pleased to hear that for many this is not the case; surgical techniques have advanced dramatically in recent years, and hip replacements are giving patients of all ages a new lease of life. To help you learn about hip replacements and dispel some common myths, Mr Nirav Shah, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Goring Hall Hospital in Worthing, West Sussex, who specialises in hip and knee surgeries, answers a few of the most frequently asked questions... 21100-104820 NiravShah DPS.indd 28 23/01/2015 18:15