Keep your kids
In 1988, Portcullis Legals was established by Trevor Worth to help protect families and children from the laws of intestacy. A will is about protecting your children first and your assets second. Did you know… 76% of adults do not have a will? Without a will: The law will appoint guardians for your children The court’s division of your assets may not fully protect
your children in the way you may have intended The courts and social services will decide where your children go – not you.
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It is therefore your duty to choose the right people in your will to raise your children – people who you know will love and care for them the same way you would. Don’t leave their fate to chance, the courts or social services.
To book your visit, call Portcullis Legals TODAY at 01752 401401 OR 0333 240 1188 and make sure your children are protected TOMORROW! We have qualified estate planners across the UK
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AT Home with Jo Frost - July 2011